This course is suitable for people aged 16+, in a suitable position to be designated as a fire marshal within the workplace & take responsibility for fire safety. Maximum 14 learners per course. This course will enable employers to meet their legal obligation under the regulatory reform order 2005 to provide suitable, formal fire safety training within the workplace.
Certified course (Certificates valid for 3 years).
Course instructed by experienced, current serving UK Fire service personnel.
Course Duration: 4 Hours.
Course location: At your own premises (We come to you!)
Start time: Flexible to your requirements, please see booking form & FAQ.
Note: Due to environmental considerations, Manchester fire marshals do not do “Live burn” training, we do however give practical instruction and hands on use of fire extinguishers to all learners. More info in FAQ.
The course will cover:
• Fire legislation
• The basic chemistry of fire and its differing classes.
• Fire-fighting procedures.
• Causes of fires & their prevention.
• Emergency lighting.
• Fixed fire-fighting installations.
• Evacuation assembly point and fire drills.
• Fire alarms.
• Fire Hazards.
• Routine fire safety inspections and maintaining a fire log.
• Risk assessment awareness.
• Extinguisher recognition and use.
• Walk around of workplace to identify escape routes and firefighting medium.
Students that have met the required standard throughout the course under continual assessment by the course instructor will receive a certificate which will last them for 3 years.