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  • What are your Terms & Conditions?
    Please accept our terms & conditions to be those found within this FAQ section. In Summary: - Cancellation with over 48hrs = No fee. - Cancellation less than 48 Hrs notice = Fee of 50% booked course cost. - Payment to be made within 30 days of completion of course unless prior agreement. - Client responsible for providing suitable training room with power supply for AV equipment. - Client responsible for providing suitable outdoor space for practical extinguisher training. - Client responsible for providing on site parking for the trainer (VAN). - Certificates will be processed on receipt of payment. - Please have learners ready to start training at agreed time. excessively late Starts may incur extra time allocation & Hourly rate fee's.
  • As an employer, why do I need fire marshals?"
    Firstly, as a legal obligation under the regulatory reform order 2005, Businesses must conduct fire risk assessments & provide adequate, formal fire safety training to their workforce. Secondly, having your staff trained as competent fire marshals can give you, your employees, your property & your business the best chance of surviving a fire. In the time it takes for the fire service to arrive, fire marshals can act quickly to extinguish a small fire, prevent it growing uncontrollably & also aid in the evacuation of people from the building and away from danger.
  • What are your Covid-19 considerations?
    I will always be happy to follow YOUR policies and procedures regarding Covid-19 & the wearing of face masks etc. I bring hand sanitiser with me and use it regularly & I do regular PCR tests also.
  • How & When do I pay? Do I need to pay up front?
    We usually Invoice for payment on completion of the course and Kindly ask that payment is made within 30 days from that date unless previously agreed otherwise. There is an Option to pay beforehand or on the day if you wish but NO UP FRONT FEE is required. Cancellation fees may apply. No cancellation Fees if the course is cancelled by you with over 48hrs notice but cancellations less than 48hrs notice or on the day will incur a cancellation fee of 50% course cost.
  • How many fire marshals does my business need?
    This will depend on the findings of your fire risk assessment, the number of employees you have, the size of the building, the type of work being undertaken etc. As a rule of thumb, a minimum of one person per level or per working area, office or section. Remember to factor in work rotas, sickness & absence to ensure there are sufficient fire marshals available in the workplace at any given time. Ideally you should have enough fire marshals in work at any one time to be able to quickly, safely sweep all or most areas of the workplace as they exit the building during an evacuation. Fire awareness training is also available for all other staff to give them an introduction to fire safety & make them aware of their roles & responsibilities in case of fire. This course will be tailored to your fire policies & procedures.
  • Which areas do you cover?
    Primarily we cover the greater manchester area & its neighbouing areas. We are happy to travel to other areas of the UK but please contact us to discuss before booking as travelling further afield may incur additional costs.
  • How does your pricing structure work?
    Our pricing structure is simple and up-front with no hidden costs or surprises. The 2024 cost for a course of up to 12 people (Fire marshal with extinguisher practical session) is £395. The Fire awareness course is 1.5hrs in duration & costs £295 for up to 12 learners.
  • What facilities do you require to provide the training at our premises?
    We will require the use of a suitably sized room for the number of learners attending the course with a chair for each learner and a standard plug socket/power supply for our laptop & projector. We will also require a small outdoor area/space for the learners to practice letting off fire extinguishers. No live burning will take place so this area doesn’t need to be larger than a couple of car parking spaces or a patch of grass & will have no risk of fire causing damage to your property. (NOTE: COVID19 – SOCIAL DISTANCING. Courses will be conducted in line with government guidance & in relation to social distancing it is the employers/businesses responsibility to provide training space that is appropriate for the rules in place at the time the course is conducted)
  • Why don’t you do “Live burn” training with real fire?
    There are several reasons we don’t conduct “Live burn” training. Firstly, as an environmental consideration, we don’t want to burn anything when it’s not strictly necessary or beneficial to our learners. We provide full instruction, practical handling and use of extinguishers which will give our learners the knowledge, practice & skill to confidently use a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire. In Most cases, “Live burn” simulators burn gas & when a learner points the extinguisher towards the flame, the instructor turns the gas off and the flame goes out. In these cases, the learner isn’t actually extinguishing the fire, it is merely simulated & as a risk assessment, taking into account the environmental risks & physical risks associated with any “Real fire” training, we do not deem it overly beneficial or necessary to do this. All learners will still get hands on experience & get to use Water & Co2 fire extinguishers as part of our training but they will be doing so safely & without harm to the environment.
  • What is the duration of the course?
    The fire marshal course is a half day / 4 hours duration. The Fire awareness courses are 1.5hrs in duration.
  • What happens on the day?
    Our instructor will endeavour to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start time of the course & will set up the projector, laptop etc. in the training room provided by you (unless you have AV equipment or TV available to plug into). The course will take place over the duration of 4 hours. Short rest periods will be given to the learners periodically and as necessary throughout the training. If a lunch hour is incorporated into the course time period please add this to the total course duration & agree this BEFOREHAND. As part of the first 3 hours allocation of the course, a short walk round of your business premises may take place (optional if suitable for your workplace or not. If not, learners can do this element themselves in their areas of work following the course) with the learners to identify escape routes, emergency lighting & firefighting media. During the last 1 hour phase of the course, learners will be taken outside for the practical demonstration & use/practice of using extinguishers before returning to the training room to conclude the training course, summarise the learning and discuss questions from the learners. There will be no Exam or summative assessment, learners will be continually assessed throughout the course, unless Learners have failed to engage and demonstrate understanding in which case a written exam is available.
  • Are you insured?
    Yes, we have our own full liability insurance to cover us for the training we provide.
  • Do you work evenings & weekends?
    Yes, I am available for any week day, weekend & time of day to suit you. Please see available dates on the booking request & select a preferred start time. Once the booking request has been submitted, we will contact you withing 24hrs (or one working day) to confirm the booking and answer any further questions you may have.
  • When will we receive the certificates for our fire marshals?
    The certificates will be processed as soon as payment for the course has been made & you should normally receive them within 14 days. Re prints are available on request.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    Cancellations with more than 48hours notice will incur no cost/fee/charge & can be re arranged for a later date. Cancellations within 48hrs or where the instructor has arrived on site will incur a 50% of course cost. Only in EXTREME circumstances will Manchester fire marshals cancel a pre booked course. We have backup trainers on standby that are equally experienced and qualified who can attend to conduct the training (with your approval) should a situation arise in which our main instructor (Steve) is unable to attend such as sickness, accident, family emergency etc.
  • Why can’t we just do a cheap online course?
    You can! And this MAY meet the minimum legal requirements but will your employees actually learn anything? Will they be competent and confident enough at the end of it to extinguish a fire or assist evacuations effectively to save life & save property (your business!). If you’d like a cheap course to “Tick the box” then of course, you can utilise a slightly cheaper alternative. If, however you’d like an experienced firefighter with qualifications in teaching to provide the best quality training and give your staff the knowledge, skills and confidence to act in the case of fire to ultimately save lives and save property…. Click the “Book now”. Why settle for second rate training with something so important? This is the ultimate safety of your employees & your business.
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1/2 Day AM or PM

 up to 12 Participants

£395 (fire marshal)

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